Victim Assistance

Jury Duty

I have been D.A. going on 15 years now, and have worked with 5 different District Judges, 2 County Court at Law Judges, and 7 different Justices of the Peace. Failure of Waller County citizens to show up for jury duty (both grand and petit) has never been a problem until now. COVID-19 fears are understandable, but I would strongly encourage all Waller County citizens to take their obligations to participate in jury duty seriously. Your participation is what keeps our civil and criminal justice systems functioning. Judges should not have to call 300 people in order to get only 50 to show up. If you have an issue you should call the court beforehand, especially for COVID-19 related issues and NOT JUST NOT SHOW UP without court permission. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Please be responsible so we do not have to invoke the remedies available under the law as listed below.

Statutory Penalties for Non Compliance

Failure to Answer the Summons

A person who receives a summons for jury service and fails to answer the summons as directed by the summons, is subject to a contempt action that is punishable by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000.(Texas Gov’t Code § 62.0141. Failure to Answer Jury Summons.)

Failure to Attend Court/Filing a False Exemption

A juror who is lawfully notified to attend court is subject to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 if that juror either:

  • fails to attend court in obedience to the notice without a reasonable excuse; or
  • files a false claim of exemption from jury service.(Texas Gov’t Code § 62.111. Penalty for Defaulting Jurors.)

If you have questions about your jury summons or jury duty, please contact the appropriate court or judge as indicated on the jury summons.